Industrial Designs

Information and documentation required to apply for an Industrial Design in Mexico.

  1. First designer: Name, nationality and address (P.O. Box addresses are not accepted). When there is more than one designers, his or her name, only.
  2. Applicant: Name, nationality and address (P.O. Box addresses are not accepted).
  3. The design: Its graphic or photographic reproduction, with a description showing the perspective from which it appears, an indication of the type of product for which it will be used, and its claims.
  4. Drawings (if any): On white paper, 36-kilo grade letter size (21.5 cm. x 28 cm.) or A4 size paper (21 x 29.7 cm.) Provisional drawings may be submitted with the application. The definitive drawings must be submitted within two months following the filing date of the application in Mexico.
  5. Right to priority: Pursuant to the Paris Convention, the number, country and date (date/month/year) of the application submitted abroad. Certified copy of this application must be submitted within three months following the filing date of the application in Mexico.
  6. In the event of prior disclosure: That took place within the twelve months prior to the filing date of the application or, as appropriate, of the recognized priority date. It shall state what they consist of and the date (day/month/year) of the first disclosure or sale, and be accompanied by the corroborating documentation.
  7. Power-of-attorney: For individuals, signed by the applicant and two witnesses, whose names and addresses must be indicated. For businesses, it must be executed by its legal representative and two witnesses, whose names and addresses must be indicated, and the blanks in the Declaration form filled out with the information required.
  8. Assignment of rights: When the applicant is not the designer, an assignment document executed by the designer and the assignee.